Wednesday 11 February 2015

Announcing The English Wine Club!

Well, it’s all go at moment! Spring is around the corner (although those bone chilling northerlies make it feel further off than it actually is), and the work pace in the vineyards is picking up rapidly.  

The post-Christmas lull in activity that lets an ounce or two creep on the hips and tum during the dark days of January, are now being shrugged off as the improving quality of light and the occasional crisp shiny days lift the soul and reminds us that better, longer and warmer days are just ahead.

So whilst I’ve been busy with a few vineyard jobs, and helping our man Drew to build a shed to house a few tools, whilst our other man Drew AKA TreeHugga, has brought down a sycamore that was impeding our view up the road from the gate of the new vineyard, Duncan has been busying himself with our latest project, two years in the thinking and developing – awaiting the right moment to launch it on the world. And that moment has arrived!

English Wine Club

We are proud to be launching The English Wine Club. A great way for wine lovers to enjoy the very best English wines.  It’s the affordable way to get the very best of English wines and to do your bit to keep the flag flying for the best of English and local produce.  

Our English wines are sourced mostly from small vineyards and are a truly handcrafted product, made with the love and care you’d rarely find in this price range from a larger wine producing country.

We will aim to bring you the very best quality at the very best price and because you’ll pay monthly and choose your case options, which are delivered every quarter, these cases won’t break the bank.  They’ll ensure you have some truly interesting and exceptional English wines for your cellar, or to surprise your dinner guests with!

We think this is the best way to enjoy English wine; you’ll get tasting notes and details with each case, which will introduce you to the wines and each quarter we’ll taste, find and source the best new wines for you to try.  The more people that join us the bigger and better our buying power gets and the so will the deals and wines we’ll be able to slip into your cases.  So don’t delay, sign up with us today!

And, to top it all, Duncan has overhauled The English Wine Shop website to make it more user friendly and a safer place to buy your English wines!


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